September 20, 2023

Let’s talk about money.

Strategic consumption, organic coffee, separating waste, using public transportation, eating less meat, taking cold showers - each and every one of us can do something about the climate crisis and make the world a little better. But is that all? Don't we have a bigger lever with which we can achieve even more? We do: Money. Money makes the world go round, they say. And it's true. Unfortunately.

So why don't we use our money, our small or large bank account, to make an impact? Because the financial world is so terribly complicated? The risks are great, the greenwashing, too? And: “What difference can I really make with a few dollars?” All true. And then again, not. We're starting a little series here that will give you an - at least rough - insight into the world of green, sustainable money while you're having your morning coffee.