
Barista, noun: Italian for bartender, often used in English to refer to an “artist” with an espresso machine that can prepare espresso perfectly and decorate it with delight. In “Brew Bars” very good (pure) filter coffee is experiencing a major revival.


Bean, noun (also coffee bean): Strictly speaking, coffee beans are not beans, but rather the seed or seeds of the coffee berry (fruit of the coffee plant). They are located in the red pulp with their flattened sides facing each other. Each seed (bean) has a thin silvery skin, which is covered by a parchment skin, covered by a layer of pectin, which in turn is surrounded by the pulp. Before the berry becomes a coffee bean, all of that needs to be carefully removed. (see also: processing.) A mature coffee tree produces approximately 2.2-4.4 lbs. of beans per year.


Biodiversität, Subst, w., ist „die Variabilität unter lebenden Organismen jeglicher Herkunft, darunter (…) Land-, Meeres- und sonstige aquatische Ökosysteme und die ökologischen Komplexe, zu denen sie gehören.“ (Biodiversitäts-Konvention). Das heißt: die Vielfalt innerhalb der Arten, die Vielfalt zwischen den Arten, die Vielfalt der Ökosysteme, die genetische Vielfalt. Damit umfasst Biodiversität mehr als die Artenvielfalt, obwohl es oft als Synonym verwendet wird. Erhaltung und nachhaltige Nutzung der Biodiversität gelten als Basis menschlicher Existenz.


Biodynamic, adj. (also referred to as biodynamic cultivation or Demeter): Strictest form of organic cultivation. Based on anthroposophic principles of Rudolf Steiner, “Agriculture Course” (1924/25). The earth and every agricultural operation is viewed as a living organism that should contain as many complementary and supporting plant and animal species as possible. Keeping ruminants, mostly cattle, is obligatory since their manure is essential to the so-called preparations (natural fertilizer and pesticide made specially from a mix of herbs, ash, horn silica, manure, etc.). The use of other, non-biodynamic raw and auxiliary materials is virtually prohibited. Sowing/planting, maintenance and harvest are determined based on the phases of the moon and/or specific times of day. Biodynamic cultivation is considered the oldest and most sustainable means of organic cultivation and is organized throughout the world in the Demeter Association. (see:

Blauer Engel

Blauer Engel, Umweltzeichen, dt., das älteste (1978) Ökozeichen für Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Unabhängig, anspruchsvoll: prüft die Auswirkungen auf Klima, Ressourcen, Wasser, Boden, Luft und den Menschen.


Blend, noun: The mixture of two or more green coffees in order to achieve a very specific well-rounded taste. This may consist of various coffee varieties (Arabica and Robusta) or one variety from different cultivation areas. It is the opposite of single origin.

Brazilian naturals

Brazilian naturals, noun: Green coffee type. Indicates the half-dry prepared Arabicas from Brazil that are cultivated below 3000 feet above sea level.
