Kopi luwak

Kopi luwak, noun (also civet coffee or kape alamid): A coffee rarity: It is produced from the beans of coffee berries eaten and later excreted by the civet (luwak). They are collected and painstakingly washed and cleaned. Kopi luwak has low acidity, a slight woody spiciness and a light cacao finish that is reminiscent of dark chocolate – however, it all depends on which coffee the civet has eaten. It comes from Indonesia and Vietnam (here as well there have been attempts made at synthetic enzyme solutions). It is traded in Europe at extreme prices with roasted beans costing €220 per kilogram. This has led to civets now being kept in cages and fed coffee extracts.


Liberica, noun: Coffee variant. A very hardy plant that requires little water. It is cultivated in Malaysia. The beans are large, oblong, hard and contain little sugar and a relatively high amount of caffeine. Like Robusta it is used for coffee blends. It is hardly ever drunk pure as it is somewhat more reminiscent of a bitter, spicy herbal tea than coffee.


Maragogipe, noun: Coffee variant, also known as “elephant beans”. Describes the size; maragogipes are sometimes twice as large as “normal” coffee beans.


Mild, adj.: Description of taste and indication of how digestible the coffee is. An espresso can indeed be mild from having few chlorogenic acids due to its roasting – but at the same time still have a strong flavor. Mild coffee, however, is not the same as low-acid coffee.


Robusta, Subst., Kaffeesorte. Wird in tieferen Lagen angebaut und zum größten Teil darum auch maschinell gepflegt und geerntet. Die Bohne ist im Unterschied zum Arabica etwas kleiner, rundlicher und hat einen geraden Einschnitt. Typisch ist ihr kräftiger, erdiger Geschmack, was zum einen an ihrer genetischen Struktur (ca. nur die Hälfte der Chromosomen eines Arabicas) liegt. Zum anderen an der anderen, der „trockenen Aufbereitung“ (Kaffeekirschen werden nicht geschält und fermentiert, sondern als Ganzes getrocknet). Robustas werden oft mit Arabicas geblendet, meistens für Espressi.


Robusta, noun: Coffee variant. It is cultivated at low altitudes and therefore, for the most part, also maintained and harvested mechanically. In contrast to Arabica, the beans are somewhat smaller, rounder and have a straight notch. They typically have a stronger, earthier taste, which is due, on the one hand, to their genetic structure (they have only approximately one half as many chromosomes as Arabicas), and on the other hand, it’s due to the “dry preparation” (coffee berries are not peeled and fermented, but rather dried whole). Robustas are often blended with Arabicas, mostly for espressos.

Single origin

Single origin, adj.: Indicates coffee of one variety that comes from a single cultivation area. In and of itself, it is not a statement as to the quality of the coffee, however, since only unique coffees have the potential to be enjoyed purely, single origins are indeed something special. It is the opposite of a blend.
