
Cappuccino, noun: Italian word indicating an espresso with some milk and a fine milk froth. The name refers to the brown-white habit of the Capuchin monks.


Coffee, noun: From the Arabic “qahwah,” meaning stimulating drink. It is a (usually) hot, black caffeinated drink made from roasted and ground coffee beans, the seeds from the coffee berry. In 1614, the Dutch started out on a research trip to Aden in Yemen and stole a coffee plant. They succeeded in transporting coffee sprouts to the Netherlands and cultivating these on the island of Java in 1699. Coffee became one of the most popular drinks in the world. Note: In 1660, James Howell wrote: “Tis found already that this coffee drink hath caused a greater sobriety among the Nations. Whereas formerly apprentices and clerks with others, used to take their mornings draught in ale, beer, or wine, which by the dizziness they cause in the brain, make many unfit for businesse, they use now to play the good-fellows in this wakefull and civill drink.”

Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds, noun (also called ground coffee): It is the powdered form of roasted coffee beans ground at various levels of fineness for different methods of coffee preparation: Fine for espresso, medium for filter coffee and coarse for French press. Preferably, the beans should be freshly ground before brewing. Optimally, coffee grounds should be kept at a constant temperature in an opaque, airtight and resealable container. Oxygen, foreign odors, moisture and heat can have a major effect on the subtle flavors of coffee. That’s why it’s preferable to only buy small amounts, or only as much as you really consume over a short period of time. Ground coffee should preferably be consumed within 14 days.

Coffee pod

Coffee pod, noun: Single cup portion (7 g) of ground coffee encapsulated in a filter. However, you need the corresponding coffee machine in order to be able to use one to brew coffee.

Cold brew

Coldbrew, Subst., m, Zubereitungsweise für Filterkaffee: relativ grob gemahlenes Kaffeepulver wird mit kaltem Wasser aufgegossen. Nach 12-24 Stunden Ziehzeit wird dann sehr fein gefiltert. Ein sehr intensiver, aromatischer Kaffee mit wenig Säure. Wird oft als Cold brew Latte serviert. Mit purem Fruchtsaft und Kohlensäure wird ein ungewöhnlicher, sehr leckerer Energydrink draus.

Cold drip

Cold drip, noun: Method of preparation for filter coffee: Melting ice or cold water is dripped onto the coffee grounds – the slower this is done, the more concentrated it is. The coffee is low in acidity with chocolaty flavors and very few bittering agents since cold water extracts fewer acids from the coffee. It is particularly popular in Japan, where cold coffee is also enjoyed with ice cubes.


Crema, noun: Thick, golden-brown froth that forms on top of correctly prepared espresso. Consists of coffee bean oil, proteins, sugars and carbon dioxide. More crema forms on Robusta espressos than on pure Arabicas. This is why blends are frequently made from both varieties. The beans need to be ground very finely so that crema can form. Inexpensive espresso machines, fully automated coffee machines and machines with pads produce an artificial crema with coffee frothed with air through a valve. You can recognize this through its coarse bubble structure. Test: Poor one teaspoon of granulated sugar on top of an espresso that hasn’t been stirred yet. It should remain on top for 3-5 seconds if the crema is real. Note that it does not form immediately after the espresso has been poured, but rather rises from the espresso a few seconds afterwards.


Dosage, noun: For a normal (125ml) cup of coffee: 7g coffee grounds. For espressos: 6.5-7.5g. For instant coffee, 2-3g of powder per cup. Good to know: Single origin Arabicas like ours are more potent than common filter coffees.
