Cult. Culture. And a little klatch.

We could spout about coffee for hours. And that’s exactly what we do here. We uncover all of its glorious (and not-so-glorious) preparation methods. Talk about beans, water, filters. Delve into aromas, notes and noses.

In short, we show you everything that makes coffee the true wonder it is. Our digital café – crema, fragrance and gossip included.


Aromatic, strong, and quite simple: French press coffee.

The nice thing about coffee from the coffee plunger – another term for the French press – is, that it so easily prepared. You do not need anything besides water, the right organic coffee, and the pot.
That is not only convenient, but also affordable. And on top of that, French press coffee is an absolute delight – when prepared correctly. That is why we have put together the basic tricks to brew the perfect French press coffee.


The power of the bean.

Coffee is not only a great indulgence – it is also a “world power” (as reported by the Focus – a German news magazine – last August). It is one of the most important commercial goods and employs millions of people. Which consequences that has, you can read here.


Sleep thieve? Or not?

We all know this feeling: A fitful night of sleep and when you wake up you feel absolutely whacked. Was it the expresso after dinner? Or the last cup at the office? Or is the reason a completely different one? About coffee and sleep. Things that were even new to us.


Why does my coffee irritate my stomach?

Stomach pain? Heartburn? The reason why you forgo coffee? You don’t have to. If you have the right coffee. And prepare it correctly. So, here are some tips on what to do against too much acid in your coffee.

Ohne Ziegen keinen Kaffee

No coffee without goats?

There are various adventurous and crazy stories about coffee, that you do not have to believe (but you can), and we tell them all with increasing enthusiasm. So, here comes the story of “how it all began”. Kind of like the episode one of coffee.

Mount Hagen Kaffeewissen: Luxusgut und Plörre
Coffee History

Luxury. Dishwater. Luxury.

Currently – right in the middle of the so-called 3rd wave – a major topic, or maybe even the major topic, is indulgence. And thus, quality and transparency during cultivation and production. But how did it all start? We have put together a short story for you about coffee as a luxury good, its degradation to mainstream-dishwater, and about the phoenix rising from the ashes as sophisticated indulgence.


Aromatic, strong, and quite simple: French press coffee.

The nice thing about coffee from the coffee plunger – another term for the French press – is, that it so easily prepared. You do not need anything besides water, the right organic coffee, and the pot.
That is not only convenient, but also affordable. And on top of that, French press coffee is an absolute delight – when prepared correctly. That is why we have put together the basic tricks to brew the perfect French press coffee.


The power of the bean.

Coffee is not only a great indulgence – it is also a “world power” (as reported by the Focus – a German news magazine – last August). It is one of the most important commercial goods and employs millions of people. Which consequences that has, you can read here.


Sleep thieve? Or not?

We all know this feeling: A fitful night of sleep and when you wake up you feel absolutely whacked. Was it the expresso after dinner? Or the last cup at the office? Or is the reason a completely different one? About coffee and sleep. Things that were even new to us.


Why does my coffee irritate my stomach?

Stomach pain? Heartburn? The reason why you forgo coffee? You don’t have to. If you have the right coffee. And prepare it correctly. So, here are some tips on what to do against too much acid in your coffee.

Ohne Ziegen keinen Kaffee

No coffee without goats?

There are various adventurous and crazy stories about coffee, that you do not have to believe (but you can), and we tell them all with increasing enthusiasm. So, here comes the story of “how it all began”. Kind of like the episode one of coffee.

Mount Hagen Kaffeewissen: Luxusgut und Plörre
Coffee History

Luxury. Dishwater. Luxury.

Currently – right in the middle of the so-called 3rd wave – a major topic, or maybe even the major topic, is indulgence. And thus, quality and transparency during cultivation and production. But how did it all start? We have put together a short story for you about coffee as a luxury good, its degradation to mainstream-dishwater, and about the phoenix rising from the ashes as sophisticated indulgence.
